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2021.03.22. 18:01 Idézet

Glory to Jesus Christ!

We hereby send You our letter to Polish bishops and priests, as well as to other bishops and clergy of the Catholic Church, calling them to repentance in connection with the crisis in the Church and the threat of dangerous vaccination. We also enclose a letter concerning illegal occupation of the papacy by the pseudo Pope Francis.


Yours respectfully,


Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

vkpatriarhat.org, uogcc.org.ua, byzcathpatriarchate [@] gmail.com



The Catholic Church does not have a Pope; there is a state of sede vacante


The papal office has been occupied and the Catholic Church headed by the greatest archheretic of all time, Jorge Bergoglio, so-called Francis. He promotes idolatry (2019), legalization of sodomite unions (2020) and chipping (2020). Those who submit to him betray Christ and the way of salvation and are on the path to eternal damnation. It is a paradox that whoever tells the truth about Bergoglio in Catholic circles is immediately branded as the greatest enemy of the Church. Many Catholics believe that defending Francis Bergoglio they defend Jesus Christ. However, the exact opposite is true today. He who defends the archheretic Francis opposes Christ. As the papacy is occupied by a heretic, the Catholic Church does not have a Pope. There is a state of sede vacante! This state lasts as long as the heretic occupies the office. In no case can a Judas and traitor of Christ be the visible representative of Christ.

When the Apostle Peter confessed the divinity of Christ (Mt 16:16), Jesus named him, on the basis of this confession, as the rock. Every successor of Peter is to be the rock that represents and protects orthodox doctrine. However, if the one who holds Peter’s office proclaims heretical teachings instead, he is under God’s anathema – expulsion from the Church of Christ (Gal 1:8-9).

What should a true Catholic bishop, priest and sincere believer do today? If he wants to save his soul, he must obey the teachings of Jesus Christ, and therefore cannot obey or submit to the archheretic Bergoglio.


+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate


+ Methodius OSBMr                                 + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops


16 March 2021


The Catholic Church does not have a Pope; there is a state of sede vacante

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http://vkpatriarhat.org/es/?p=11061  /español/

https://vkpatriarhat.org/pg/igreja-catolica-nao-tem-papa/  /português/




Letter not only to Polish bishops and priests in Lent 2021


Dear bishops and priests of Poland,

Poland is under great pressure to receive the mRNA vaccine and to carry out the Great Reset, the end result of which is the destruction of Christianity and the Polish nation.

The situation in which Poland and almost the whole world find themselves these days would not have occurred if the Church had been what she is to be – the pillar of truth, the light of the world and the salt of the earth. The turning point was the Second Vatican Council. The spirit of aggiornamento with the world seized power in the Church. Today we reap the fruits. Much of the blame lies with both the conciliar and post-conciliar Popes. The two former plotted the change, and the latter promoted it, each in his own way. It is a mockery that three of them were declared saints by the apostate Bergoglio. If their office had been held by a true saint, such as St Pius X, the process of destruction would have been stopped.

Unfortunately, Polish theologians in the post-conciliar period had a greedy eye on the false academic level of German heretics, amazed seminarians by talking about those “theological luminaries”, and tried to measure up to their standard at least to some extent. Today, we see the fruits of so-called prestigious German theology in the adoption of the worst heresies and moral decadence, including the approval of sodomite marriages in German churches. These apostate activities of the German bishops have been opposed by the Polish bishops in Ukraine, headed by Archbishop Mokrzycki.

However, the tragedy is that the legislative agenda of sodomy is promoted mainly by the current so-called “Holy Father” Francis. In promoting it, he exploited the Youth Synod (2018) and the Synod of Bishops (2019). He also made a public statement literally calling for the legalization of sodomite unions (2020), and has never withdrawn it. This “Holy Father” ridiculed the First Commandment when he enthroned the Pachamama demon in the Vatican and took part in a magical ceremony. Soon after, he began to persistently promote genocidal vaccination for all. He thus opposes solid medical experts, who are the voice of conscience and sound the alarm against a dangerous vaccine which disrupts the human genome, that is, human nature as such, and is also part of the chipping process. Bergoglio is in line with Gates’ genocidal plan and with others who promote the Great Reset. Gates said: “If we do a great job with vaccines, we will reduce the population by 10-15% (in the first stage),” that is, by one billion. The Club of Rome, however, is now publicly talking about a genocidal plan for six billion. The worldwide vaccination campaign, promoted by the apostate Vatican, is aimed not only at perpetrating genocide but also at chipping. So now it is being decided: you are either on the side of Christ or the antichrist. The Bible warns that the punishment for receiving a chip is the lake of fire.

On the basis of an urgent warning from solid medical experts, each bishop should call on the faithful in his diocese not to receive a dangerous vaccine and to warn others against it. The manufacturers themselves have admitted that the vaccine does not protect the body from infection nor does it prevent its transmission. The Catholic world cannot but be put to shame by the example of Tanzania, whose Catholic President radically rejects lockdowns and vaccines. He relies on God and local resources, and not on Gates et al. The goal of an artificial pandemic is not health, but enslavement and genocide.

Let every Polish priest likewise, according to his conscience, warn the people against a dangerous Covid vaccine without waiting for the bishop to act. Everyone must begin to call a lie a lie and the truth the truth; this is the basic manifestation of repentance which this historic Lent of 2021 especially requires of us.

As for sodomy, God’s Word imposes the most severe punishments for it (cf. 2Pet 2, Jude 1:7). Archbishop Viganò has bravely pointed out the crimes of the homosexual network in the highest places in the Church as well as the fact that the so-called Holy Father covers them up. He has therefore called on him to resign.

What is the true diagnosis of the state of the Church?

Is the “Holy Father”, so-called Francis, an apostate and heretic, i.e. an invalid Pope? Or is he a valid Pope, even though he promotes sodomy, Pachamama idolatry, and a genocidal programme through mRNA vaccination? The answer is absolutely clear. Being an apostate and heretic, he is an invalid Pope. According to God’s Word (Gal 1:8-9) and according to the dogmatic Bull of Paul IV Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, he is excommunicated from the Church, so he is neither a Catholic nor a Christian. He is a traitor and Judas. Every Catholic bishop and every Catholic priest must responsibly face this reality before God and before the Church and draw the necessary conclusions. This means that a Catholic bishop or priest must not submit to this traitor of Christ, but must separate from him; otherwise he remains with him in spiritual darkness and under a curse.

May there be at least two or three bishops from Poland, and with them groups of brave priests, who would distance themselves from the outrageous apostasy of the Vatican! If the Episcopal Conference of Poland is subordinated to the archheretic Bergoglio, the curse falls on the whole of Poland through them. If they separate from Bergoglio, blessing will come not only on the Polish Church but on the entire Polish nation.

From a painful view of Bergoglio’s apostasy, one must also see the invalidity of John Paul II’s canonization. Bergoglio is a heretic, and therefore all his acts are null and void. Bergoglio’s canonization of John Paul II is null and void. Moreover, if John Paul II had truly been a saint, he would have opposed the heresies of Modernism. These heresies became most widespread during his pontificate. A saint would also have opposed the spread of neo-paganism. John Paul II, however, opened wide the doors of the Church to paganism, setting a precedent in Assisi in 1986.

Conditions for the spiritual awakening and salvation of Poland:

Every bishop and every priest, without any orders from above, should himself start to repent and then call on all entrusted to his care to do the same. Only God can save Poland. Another condition of salvation, besides repentance, is prayer. “And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off? I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly.” (Lk 18:7)

Whenever in a difficult situation, Christians kept prayer watches in order to create uninterrupted prayer. One prayer group needs 23 people to cover the day, as there is one hour set aside, namely from 8 to 9 pm, when all members pray. This is a proven practice (see http://vkpatriarhat.org/en/?p=11481). May every bishop, every priest and every Christian join the prayer watches! May parents and children, pensioners and young people join them. Try God in this! He will not put you to shame. Poland will be saved!

The Church, headed by a Judas Pope, has so far cooperated intensively on the spiritual and physical autogenocide of humanity. If Poland begins to repent, not only the Polish Church but the whole nation will see an awakening! It will set an example for the whole Catholic Church and for the whole world. Satanization, associated with the Great Reset, vaccination and chipping, will be stopped. The eternal salvation of millions is at stake! Dear Polish bishops and priests, are you aware of this responsibility before God?


Conclusion: What should you, the Polish bishops and priests, do as part of repentance during Lent 2021?

1) Call on the Polish public to reject the dangerous mRNA vaccine.

2) Separate from the apostate Bergoglio.

3) Admit the invalidity of the canonization of John Paul II.

4) Organize and participate in the creation of continuous prayer watches.

In Christ,


+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate


+ Methodius OSBMr                            + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops


9 March 2021


It is not only the bishops of Poland, but every bishop and priest of the Catholic Church, that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ addresses through us in this appeal!


Letter not only to Polish bishops and priests in Lent 2021

http://vkpatriarhat.org/it/?p=7716  /italiano/

http://vkpatriarhat.org/fr/?p=14032  /français/

http://vkpatriarhat.org/es/?p=11067  /español/

https://vkpatriarhat.org/pg/carta-nao-so-aos-bispos-e-padres-na-quaresma-de-2021/  /português/


The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) is a community of monks, priests and bishops living in monasteries. The BCP is headed by Patriarch Elijah with two Secretary Bishops, +Timothy and +Methodius. The BCP arose from the need to defend the fundamental Christian truths against heresies and apostasy. It does not recognize pseudo Pope Bergoglio and is not subordinate to him.


2020.09.29. 16:07 Idézet

Lelki harc – oltás és becsippelés

videó: http://vkpatriarhat.org/en/?p=18878



Olyan időben élünk, amely megköveteli, hogy alapvető tudományos információkkal rendelkezzünk a az emberiség csökkentésére irányuló aktivitásokrol. Azok, akik ezt előmozdítják, teljes ellenőrzés alatt tartják a mainstream médiákat, és látjuk, hogy a lakosság nagy részével tetszés szerint manipulálnak. Meggyőződtünk erről a coronapsychoszisban. A szabályt, miszerint mindig meg kell hallgatni a másik oldalt is, elmulasztották. Ezért van szükség a megvilágosodásra azoktól, akik a másik oldalt is hallják, és őszintén keresik az igazságot.

Mit mondanak ma a szilárd tudósok arról, hogy mi történne, ha Gatesnek sikerül bevezetnie a kötelező oltási ütemtervet az Egyesült Államokban?

Dr. Mikovits szerint ha Gatesnek sikerül bevezetnie a kötelező oltást, akkor legalább 50 millió amerikai meghal, valószínűleg az első adag után. Ezért a promóterek arra törekedtek, hogy gyorsítsák fel a kötelező oltási ütemtervet a koronapszichózis idején, hogy az oltások halálát a koronavírusnak lehessen tulajdonítani. Hála Istennek, az Egyesült Államok elnökének köszönhetően ez a terv megbukott. Miután megkapjuk az oltást, az már a testben marad, és nem lehet eltávolítani. Az első áldozatok katonák, tűzoltók, laboratóriumi technikusok és orvosok lennének . Ez bűncselekmény.

Az Európai Unióban azonban továbbra is fennáll a kötelező oltás veszélye! Az elnököknek és a kormányoknak harcolniuk kell annak megszüntetéséért. Ma minden uniós polgárnak mozgósítania kell erőfeszítéseit, és nyomást kell gyakorolnia a kormányra nemcsak leveleivel, hanem demonstrációkkal is, Olaszország példáját követve.

Dr. Chris Exley a Keele Egyetem bioanorganikus kémia professzora és az UHI Millennium Intézet tiszteletbeli professzora. Boncolásnál asztronomikusan magas alumíniumkoncentrációt lelt az autista gyermekek agyában. A vakcinákhoz hozzá adot alumínium szó szerint katasztrófát okoz minden biológiai rendszerben. Ez az egyik legveszélyesebb és leginkább neurotoxikus anyag.

Az influenza vakcinákat minden évben agresszíven reklámozzák. Ezek részét képezik a globális elnéptelenedési tervnek. Némely vakcina egyik összetevője a nanorészecskék, amelyek digitalizáltak és ellenőrizhetők. 5G hálózatokon keresztül aktiválhatók. Ez teszi a testet belsőleg digitalizáltá és távolról irányíthatóvá. Ha valaki „nemkívánatosnak” minősül, szervfunkcióit távolról le lehet állítani.

A jelenlegi globális helyzetet szellemi harcnak kell tekinteni. Az aposztata és korrupt prelátok, valamint a hivatalos tömegtájékoztatók meggyőző hazugságokat fognak mondani. Megmutatják Gates oltásainak elképesztő előnyeit és azt, hogy milyen „szörnyű” veszélynek van kitéve az ember, ha elutasítja. Mindez hazugság, hogy becsapják és integrálják egy olyan rendszerbe, amely örök halállal végződik – az örök pokolba.

A bűnbánat és az imádság feltétlenül szükséges ahhoz, hogy meg tudjuk különböztetni hazugságukat az igazságtól és erőt kapjunk ellenállni a hazugságoknak. A rózsafüzér imának is hosszú hagyománya van. Továbbá ösztönözni kell egymást, mert a hazugság hatalma ravasz. Miért? Mert a gonosz rejtélyét hordozzuk magunkban. Eredeti bűnnek hívják.

Az eredeti bűn a hazugság és a gonosz forrása az ember szívében, a kígyó mérgező magja. Ezért mondta Jézus, hogy meg kell tagadnunk magunkat, fel kell vennünk az élet keresztjét és követnünk kell Jézust. Fényt és erőt ad nekünk a jelenlegi küzdelemhez. De alapvető az ima. Az ilyen típusú démonok, amint Jézus mondta, csak imádság és böjt útján mennek ki. (Mt 17:21)

A fény angyala – Lucifer – szolgái ismerik a spirituális alapelveket és alkalmazzák azokat. Tudják, hogy gonosz céljaikat tisztán emberi erőfeszítésel nem tudják elérni. Az alapelv tehát: átok lehívása és ily módon a démonok eljövetelének megsegítése. Ugyanakkor tudják, hogy meg kell semmisíteni minden kedvező körülményt mely az igazság szellemének lehetőséget teremtene.

Nézzük meg az elmúlt fél évszázad helyzetét. Az egyház évszázadok óta az igazság oszlopa volt. Az egyházon belül rejtett eretnekek és Júdások nemcsak megbénították őt, hanem az Antikrisztusi rendszer szellemi alapjává is tették. Mikor kezdődött ez? 1958-ban Angelo Roncalli-t (XXIII. János), aki 1912 óta szerepel a modernisták listáján, pápává választották. X Szent Pius enciklikájában a Pascendi-ban (1907) ellenzi a modernizmus szellemét, amely elpusztította a hit alapvető igazságait. Roncalli a liberális teológusok révén újból megerősítette a modernizmus méregét. A Vatikáni II. zsinat szellemi fordulópontot jelentett! Ma a gyümölcsét Bergoglio személyében aratjuk, aki eltörli az általánosan érvényes erkölcsi elveket, valamint Isten parancsolatait. Elősegíti a homolobbit az egyház legmagasabb pozícióiban. A Páchamama démonját közvetlenül a Szent Péter-bazilikában tüntette fel, és az Amazonról írt dokumentumaiban alátámasztotta a szent liturgikus áldozat megsértését pogány rituálokkal, amelyek nem az igazi Istent imádják, hanem a démonokat és a Sátánt!


Diakonokként és papokként pogány varázslókat, férfiakat és nőket egyaránt akar felszentelni.A templomok bezárásának elrendelésével Bergoglio hatékonyan segített a világszintű koronapszichózis érvényesítésében. Biztonsági intézkedések leple alatt utasításokat adott ki a Szentáldozás meggyalázására. Most rejtett módon elősegíti a forgácsolást oltás útján. Ezért 2020. május 14-ét a böjt és az „ima” napjának nyilvánította világszerte, a pogány vezetõkkel együtt, hogy felgyorsítsák az úgynevezett Covid-19 gyógymód kidolgozását, amely egy nanorészecskét tartalmazó  oltás. Ez mennybe kiáltó bűn!

Bergoglio azonban célzottan megzavarja a katolikusokat karizmatikus beszédeivel a Szent Márta házából, amelyeket azután elsősorban a Vatikáni Rádió közvetít propagandaként. Ékesen beszél Jézussal való személyes kapcsolatról és még a bűnbánatról is, ám ellenkezőleg cselekszik. Ez az antikrisztus szellemének jele. Bergoglio sem Krisztus vikárja a földön, sem Péter utódja a pápai trónon. A Gal 1: 8-9 szerint eretnekként és hitehagyóként kiűzik a Krisztus egyházából.

Bergoglio átkot – anathemat – hoz létre, és egyesül Gates-el és más mágnásokkal, akik támogatják a népesség csökkenését 6 milliárdal. Így ez a hitehagyó visszaélve a pápai intézménnyel a legintenzívebben készíti elő a talajt az emberiség tömeges kiirtásának .

Az NWO támogatói figyelembe veszik a spirituális alapelveket, ezért többek között ragaszkodnak az évente megrendezet gay pride felvonulásokhoz a világ fővárosaiban. Miért fordulnak ilyen terrorhoz azáltal, hogy elősegítik a ezeket a felvonulásokat olyan országokban, amelyek elutasítják a szodómiát? Az átkot le kell hívni és ezzel démonokat elhívni a terület elfoglalására.

Ezenkívül a gyermekrabló rendszer, amely magában foglalja az Isztambuli Egyezményt is, elmondhatatlan szenvedést okoz a gyermekek és szüleik számára. Áldozatot hoznak a démonoknak, akik azután átveszik az irányítást az egész területen. Manapság is aktuális kérdés a démonoknak emberi áldozatot hozni, ahogyan azt a pogányságban gyakorolták. Az NWO rendszer imádja a Sátánt, elősegíti az okkult gyakorlatokat, az erkölcstelenséget, a bűnözést és az emberiség tömeges kiirtását.

Bill Gates célja, mesterséges karantén segítségével beoltani az egész emberi populációt. Így 6 milliárdal csökkenthető az emberiség száma. Abszurd módon azt mondta: "Csak népírtás képes megmenteni a világot ... Ha jó munkát végezünk az oltásokkal, akkor a világ népességét 10-15% -kal csökkenthetjük." Ez azt jelenti, hogy egy milliárd embert megölnek oltással.

A Fehér Ház weboldalán petíció jelent meg, amelynek kezdeményezői felszólítanak a „Bill & Melinda Gates Alapítvány” vizsgálatára az orvosi szabálytalanságok és az emberiség elleni bűncselekmények miatt. (https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/we-call-investigations-bill-melinda-gates-foundation-medical-malpractice-crimes-against-humanity)

Az oltásról szóló ütemtervében már 2019-ben az Európai Unió egy közös oltási kártya / útlevél bevezetését tervezte az uniós polgárok számára. Bill Gates már beszél az oltásban található nanocsip által ennek a tervnek a megvalósításáról. Az oltással összefüggésben Gates teljes mentelmi jogot követel a kormányoktól. Azt kérdezzük: Miért?

A kötelező oltás mindenkit veszélyeztet, és tényleges becsippelést jelent. A becsippelés azt jelenti, hogy az ember már nem lesz ember. Állandó ellenőrzés és diktatúra alatt áll, és ha ellenáll, akkor kiváltott fájdalom révén kényszeríti gonosz parancsok végrehajtására. Ráadásul a szervek működési zavara miatt bármikor meg is halhat.

Ha a kereszténység olyan lenne, amilyennek lennie kell, ezeknek a démonoknak nem lenne esélyük megszerezzni az irányítást az emberiség felett, és zsarnoksághoz, önpusztításhoz és örökkévaló pusztuláshoz vezetni őt.

Manapság a helyzet emberi szempontból megoldhatatlan. Csak Isten tudja megoldani. Közvetlenül vagy közvetetten – bizonyos emberek által, amelyeket Ő választott erre a feladatra.

De ez mindannyiunktól függ! Kötelesek vagyunk megteremteni a körülményeket, Isten működéséhez ebben a rendkívüli, ma már apokaliptikus időben. Engednünk kell, hogy a Syent Lélek működjön. Ezért mindannyiunknak magunkkal kell kezdeni és bűnbánatot tartani.

A bizánci katolikus patriarchátus, mint próféta hang ezekben az időkben, többször imádságra és böjtre szólít fel, nevezetesen napi egy óra belső imára (Mt 26:40), valamint szerdán és pénteken böjtre, étkezés nélkül vacsoráig.

Sok prófécia révén a Biblia arra buzdít minket, hogy cselekedjünk, vagyis bűnbánatot tartsunk.

Jónás prófétát küldte Isten, hogy jelentse be a város lakosainak: „Még negyven nap, és Ninive megbukik!” A lakosok tele voltak udvozíto félelemmel és mindannyian bűnbanatott tartottak. Isten elkerülte a büntetést.

Ma fel kell ébredni a passzivitástól. Példa erre a 735 olasz orvos tiltakozása a vakcinázás ellen, valamint az olaszországi tömeges tüntetések. Mindenki írjon egy levelet a kormány tagjának, és ösztönözze őt a tervezett öngyilkosság elkerulésére. A keresztények tartsanak bűnbánást elentétben a gay pride felvonulásokhoz!

Bűneink lehetővé teszik a démonok számára, hogy megbüntessenek minket; Isten megengedi. De ha őszintén bánjuk bűneinket, Isten megbocsát, és a démonoknak vissza kell vonulniuk tőlünk és el kell hagyniuk a területet. Már nem tudják végrehajtani a zsarnokság és a halál pusztító tervét. Ezért annyira fontos a bűnbánat! A megtérés szellemét azok kapják, akik őszintén imádkoznak.

A Biblia kimutatja, hogy azok, akik hisznek a hazugságban, elfogadják a csippet. De azok, akik imádkoznak és bűnbánatot tartanak, vagy teljesen kiküszöbölik a katasztrófát az adott területről, vagy pedig erősek lesznek az oltás és a chippek elutasításához, még a nagy áldozatok árán is. Azok, akik elfogadják a chippet, nagy szenvedésnek lesznek kitéve. A legrosszabb dolog számukra azonban az lesz, hogy a fenevad uralma alá kerülnek, és már nem képesek megtérni az üdvösségre. Tragikus sorsuk a tűz-tó a vadállat együt.

Éppen ezért annyira fontos az Isten által megadott idő, hogy ma valódi megtéréssel kezdjük. Ha engedelmeskedünk és imádkozni kezdünk, akkor Isten erõt ad nekünk, hogy megvilágosítsunk másokat, és ezzel megmentsük életüket és halhatatlan lelkünket. Az imádságban harcolni kell elsősorban közeli hozzátartozóink és barátainkért. Néhányuk tisztában lesz ezzel a kérdéssel, mások hajlamosak elfogadni a hazugságot. Ezért kell imádkozni értük és igaz információkat közvetíteni. Az ima révén Isten megoldást fog találni. Az ima révén világosságot és erőt kapunk azok számára is, akik hatalommal bírnak a nemzetben, és így ellenezhetik a vakcinázást, mint Trump elnök, amelynek köszönhetően az Egyesült Államokban a kötelező védőoltást eltörölték.

Manapság Isten megköveteli, hogy mindenki legalább egy órát fordítson az imára, és tartsa be a böjtöt szerdán és pénteken.


+ Illés

Pátriárka Bizánci katolikus pátriárkátus


+ Methodius OSBMr                                  + Timóteus OSBMr

Püspökök, titkárok


2020. június 7


2020.03.10. 08:44 Idézet
Jó az oldal! Réka

2019.11.23. 20:07 Idézet
Jó az oldal!

2019.03.29. 15:51 Idézet

Glory to Jesus Christ!


We bring to Your attention our work on epiclesis. Here is presented the difference between Eastern and Western Liturgy, the biblical foundations of epiclesis, the historical context of its formation, and, most importantly, personal prayer experience.

The Epiclesis /Part one: The Difference between Eastern and Western Liturgy/


The Epiclesis /Part two: The Holy Spirit and the Epiclesis/


The Epiclesis /Part three: The Epiclesis – How to experience the Epiclesis in the Liturgy/


The Epiclesis /Part four: The Epiclesis – The Temple and Iconostasis/




Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate


vkpatriarhat.org, uogcc.org.ua, byzcathpatriarchate@gmail.com



The Epiclesis


Part one: The Difference between Eastern and Western Liturgy, the Question of Epiclesis

Part two: The Holy Spirit and the Epiclesis

Part three: How to experience the Epiclesis in the Liturgy

Part four: Liturgical Space and Iconostasis


Part one: The Difference between Eastern and Western Liturgy, the Question of Epiclesis

The Eastern Liturgy of St Basil the Great and St John Chrysostom (4th century) contains the Epiclesis. The Epiclesis is also found in other Eastern rites. It comes directly from the Apostolic Tradition.

What is the difference between Eastern and Western Liturgy? The Western Liturgy was radically modified at the Second Vatican Council. The reform introduced four Canons instead of one. The pre-conciliar Latin Liturgy had no mention of the Holy Spirit in the Canon. The reformed conciliar Liturgy does make mention of the Holy Spirit but it has been inserted before the words of Institution. Unlike the Latin Liturgy, the Eastern Liturgy includes a so-called intense invocation of the Holy Spirit, or the Epiclesis, after the words of Institution.

Vatican II liturgists had the courage to take radical steps – they turned the altar to face the people and in many places removed the tabernacle from the centre of the temple. Why did they not venture to adopt the Eastern Epiclesis into the Canon of the Latin Liturgy? They only introduced the above-mentioned prayer to the Holy Spirit before the words of Institution, but not in the form of the Epiclesis after them. The Epiclesis was subject to liturgical disputes for centuries. But without result. The West influenced by scholastic philosophy presented so-called logical arguments against the Epiclesis. They argued that it seemed as if there were two Consecrations, which they regarded as nonsense. The problem was that both the East and the West had their own point of view. The Epiclesis is not another Consecration. First, it is a mystery of faith, and second, it is to emphasize that the sacraments, and especially the Liturgy, are the action of both the word and the Holy Spirit. This is the main focus of the Eastern Liturgy. Both the Western and Eastern Liturgy make present the bloody sacrifice of Christ on Calvary. The Holy Spirit plays an extremely powerful role in the Eastern Liturgy. One can say, according to the Eastern theologians, that it is an ever-new Pentecost. An intense invocation of the Holy Spirit (Epiclesis) does not only apply to the bread and wine consecrated by the words of Christ, but to the whole Mystical Body of Christ – the Church.

The main difference between the East and the West lies in the culminating moment – the Transubstantiation (Consecration) – when through the words of the priest, the substance of the bread and wine changes into the Body and Blood of Christ. The Latin Liturgy pinpoints that this moment occurs at the words of Christ which were spoken at the Last Supper. In the Eastern Liturgy, these words are considered to be just the words of Institution, not the words of Consecration, and the culminating moment of the Consecration is pinpointed to occur at the Epiclesis, after the words of Institution and Anamnesis. In the Epiclesis, the Holy Spirit makes real the words of Christ by which He instituted the essence of the Liturgy. The Incarnation of the Word of God – Jesus – the Second Divine Person – happened through the Holy Spirit in response to Mary’s fiat. Similarly, through the priest’s words uttered in the Liturgy, the Holy Spirit can make present Christ’s sacrifice of the cross on the altar.

After the words of Institution and the Anamnesis, the priest prays intensely to the Holy Spirit to come down not only on the blessed gifts but also on the priest himself and on the people present, i.e. the Church: “Send down Your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these gifts here present.” These are the opening words of the Epiclesis which, to a certain extent, has the character of new Pentecost, a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit. During the Epiclesis, the people pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit “upon us” (the faithful present) as well as upon the gifts, and sing an antiphon of praise and petition: “We praise You, we bless You...”. Some Eastern priests kneel during the intense invocation of the Holy Spirit, and there is a practice in some monasteries that a hieromonk lies prostrate during the singing of the antiphon. The singing is to dispose the priest and the believers to composure of heart and a personal invocation of the Holy Spirit. Then the priest says the words over the blessed bread: “And make this bread the precious Body of Your Christ.” (Amen.) And then: “And that which is in this chalice the precious Blood of Your Christ.” He concludes the Epiclesis by saying: “Changing them by Your Holy Spirit.” These concluding words refer again to both the blessed gifts and the faithful. The faithful receive the Holy Spirit more and more deeply in stages.

As for the Consecration of the gifts, the words “Changing them by Your Holy Spirit” are connected with the words of the Epiclesis over the blessed gifts. The words of Consecration in the Epiclesis and the participation of the Holy Spirit can be interconnected as follows: And make this bread the precious Body of Your Christ” “(Changing them) by Your Holy Spirit”. The same is true for the words over the chalice: And that which is in this chalice the precious Blood of Your Christ” “(Changing them) by Your Holy Spirit”. The priest prays to God, asking Him to make the change (Consecration or Transubstantiation) by His almighty power, and asking the Holy Spirit to actualize this mystery.

A Western theologian or liturgist probably looks at the Epiclesis uncomprehendingly.

Brief summary: On Thursday evening, Jesus instituted the Eucharist through His words which are recorded in three Gospels. After the Last Supper, Jesus and the Apostles went to Gethsemane, where He prayed. He was arrested and brought to trial leading to His death. Then He was brought before Annas, Caiaphas and Pilate. He is unjustly condemned, carries His cross to Calvary, is crucified, and after a three-hour struggle and intense suffering accomplishes the work of our salvation by His redemptive death.

The Eastern Liturgy makes a difference between the words of Institution uttered at the Last Supper and the Epiclesis in which the Holy Spirit makes present the accomplished redemptive sacrifice of Christ on the cross. The words of Institution and the Epiclesis are linked by the Anamnesis (remembrance). The Anamnesis calls to mind the main events of the redemptive work of Christ – the cross, the tomb, the resurrection on the third day… After the Anamnesis, the priest lifts up the chalice and discos with the blessed gifts and says (singing): “Your own of Your own, we offer to You, on behalf of all and for all.” After these words comes the Epiclesis, i.e. the intense prayer for the Holy Spirit to come down upon us and upon these gifts here present. The concluding words of the Epiclesis: “Changing them by Your Holy Spirit” also refer to the faithful present – the Mystical Body of Christ. The Epiclesis is ended with the triple “Amen”. This “Amen” is meant for both the consecrated gifts and the people who have received the fullness of the Holy Spirit anew. In the end, Christ, present under the species of bread and wine, is honoured with incense. Then the priest turns and incenses the faithful. He thus symbolically emphasizes the presence of the Holy Spirit in them before they receive Christ in Holy Communion at the end of the Liturgy. “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.”

Conclusion: Let us point out that Saints Cyril and Methodius translated this Liturgy from Greek into Old Slavonic. The Orthodox Church has celebrated the Divine Liturgy in Old Slavonic like Saints Cyril and Methodius until the present time. This Old Slavonic Liturgy was also confirmed in Rome, where it was solemnly celebrated by the two Apostles of the Slavs in Santa Maria Maggiore. At that time, they also brought the relics of Pope St Clement, the disciple and successor of the Apostle Peter, from Chersonesus in the Crimea.

Furthermore, let us point out that the Apostles in Jerusalem, as follows from the Scriptures (Acts 2:42), “broke bread” – celebrated the Liturgy – only after the descent of the Holy Spirit, not before. The Epiclesis was an essential reality for them. They said the words of the Lord – the words of Institution – and then asked the Holy Spirit to make these words real. The Eastern Liturgy, adapted by St Basil the Great and St John Chrysostom, is the continuation of the Apostolic Tradition.

In the Latin Church, the Eastern Liturgy can be publicly celebrated only by the priests who have the local Bishop’s permission for biritualism.


21 November 2018




Part two: The Holy Spirit and the Epiclesis


Before His death, before sacrificing His body and blood on the cross, Jesus established this sacrifice of the cross to be offered to God for the remission of sins. The symbolic sin-offerings, when the blood and life of the sacrificial lambs was offered in the Jerusalem temple, lost their significance. Jesus is the true Lamb who took on Himself the sins of the world (Jn 1:29). Before the completion of His sacrifice of the cross, Jesus instituted a new sacrifice, which is also a new covenant (Mt 26:26) for the forgiveness of sins. At the Last Supper, He took bread and said, “This is My body, which is given for you.” Then He took the cup of wine and said, “This is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed ... for the remission of sins.”

What about the Apostles? What did they think? They did not understand His words because His sacrifice had not yet been accomplished. During the Last Supper, Jesus also spoke a number of times about the Holy Spirit, “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth.” (Jn 16:13) In another place, Jesus says, “…out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom they would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. (Jn 7:38f) When did the Holy Spirit come? Only after Jesus accomplished His sacrifice on the cross, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven on the fortieth day where He was glorified. Only then does He send the Holy Spirit in fullness on the Apostles, and the Holy Spirit enlightens their mind and strengthens their will. The Apostles, who fled out of fear and did not stand by the cross, now become heroes of faith who, one by one, shed their blood for Christ’s sake as martyrs. After the descent of the Holy Spirit they understood what Jesus had done at the Last Supper when He established the new covenant and gave His body and blood for the remission of sins. They understood that the Holy Spirit makes present this mystery through His words of Institution and through those whom Jesus chose, i.e. the Apostles and their successors.


The words of Institution and the Anamnesis are followed by the Epiclesis. Instituting the Eucharist, Jesus said, “This is (My body ... blood).” The Epiclesis contains three petitions or imperatives:

1) Send down the Holy Spirit

2) Make this bread the Body of Christ

3) Changing them by Your Holy Spirit


ad 1) Send down the Holy Spirit upon us and upon these gifts here present

By these words of the Epiclesis, both the priest and the people pray that the Holy Spirit would descend not only upon the gifts but also “upon us”, i.e. upon those who are present. God’s will is that we should receive Christ; that He should grow in us, that we should be transformed into Him, so that finally we can say, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” We, people, are influenced by the system of the world and by the spirit of lies – the devil, and these do not want us to be saved. In addition, the source of evil within us gladly accepts the programme of the liar and murderer and mistakenly believes it to be for our good. On the other hand, it rejects God’s truth and eternal life.

The light and strength to become rooted in Christ and to be ready to suffer or even die with Him is given us by the Holy Spirit.

The Epiclesis is not only about making present Christ’s death, but it is also an ever-new outpouring of the Holy Spirit – an ever-new Pentecost.


ad 2) Make this bread the precious Body of Your Christ”

The priest turns to God the Creator and prays for a miracle (“make”) that the bread, sanctified by the words of Institution, would become the Body of Christ. Analogously, the plea is also pronounced over the chalice.


ad 3) Changing them by Your Holy Spirit”

This plea refers not only to the transformation of bread into the Body of Christ and the transformation of wine into the Blood of Christ, but also to the Mystical Body of Christ – the Church.

The mystery of God’s omnipotence, which by the power of the Holy Spirit causes the spiritual resurrection of the Church, is expressed in chapter 37 of the prophet Ezekiel.


The Prophecy of Ezekiel

In Babylonian captivity, God called Ezekiel to prepare the ground through a prophetic prayer first for spiritual resurrection and thereafter also physical deliverance.

Ezekiel testifies: “The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry.” (Ez 37:1-2) God asks the prophet, “‘Son of man, can these bones live?’ I answered, ‘O Lord God, you know.’” (Ez 37:3) In other words, the prophet gives consent and says: You know, O Lord God, that by Your almighty power these bones can come to life.

Every time we stand before God in faith and ask Him for a miracle, whether small or great, we must have the faith that God is almighty, that He can work this miracle. When the prophet confessed the faith in God’s omnipotence, the Lord commanded him: “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones (people of Israel), hear the word of the Lord!’” Thus says the Lord God to you, people of God, who became spiritually dead – dry bones – owing to your unbelief. Thus says the Lord God to these bones: “Behold, I will send spirit into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and I will put spirit in you, and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord.”

This was the prophetic word received by Ezekiel, who pronounced it over dry bones in faith and in the power of the Spirit. What was the reaction? In the course of prophesying to the bones, God’s Spirit worked in two stages. The reaction to the first prophesying – when the prophet referred to the nation as “dry bones” and revealed the reality of their spiritual death – was a rattling noise. This is the case even today: when one begins to proclaim true repentance, the old self and the system of lies in the world, which holds sway over the present-day Church, resists the truth and there is a noise – a motion. At the same time, however, the word causes the first signs of life to appear, namely the restoration of God’s order.

Ezekiel testifies: “So I prophesied as I was commanded.” (v.7) It is necessary to know that he did not add anything to it, nor did he take anything away from it. He acted in the obedience of faith, and the Holy Spirit caused movement. “And as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone.”

Let us imagine heaps of bones on a large area. The bones are scattered all over the place. And now, every bone starts to look for where it belongs. These bones are in motion; they strike at each other, join together and suddenly there is an army of skeletons. This is the first sign of a certain order, though without life. The second stage begins: The prophet continues to speak to these skeletons. And what is the reaction? “As I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no spirit in them.” (v.8)

Let us imagine a hospital and a completely paralyzed person in this hospital. He cannot move, and although he can breathe he is in fact a living corpse. Several doctors and nurses have to care for him to keep him alive. This was the picture not only of the captives in Babylon, but it is also the picture of the current captives in the spiritual Babylon under the sway of heresy and apostasy with the spirit of antichrist.

That is why there is the third stage when the prophet is no longer to prophesy to the paralyzed organism but is to turn directly to God’s Spirit. Then He said to me, “Prophesy to the spirit, prophesy, son of man, and say to the spirit, ‘Thus says the Lord God: Come, O spirit, from the four winds, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.’”

The prophet prophesies in the obedience of faith and gives a command to the Spirit of God by God’s authority. This is actually a triple command. Firstly, that the Spirit of God should come, secondly, that He should breathe on these slain, and thirdly, that the Spirit of God should bring the dead to life. The prophet turns to the four cardinal points and asks the Holy Spirit to come from these directions. Such prophesying, when the Spirit comes from four directions, creates a large enclosed space under the power of the Spirit of God. The prophet gives commands in four directions that the Holy Spirit should breathe in power on these slain, that they may live.

What was the fruit of his prophecy? He confesses: “And as I prophesied as I was commanded, the Spirit came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.” (v.10) This is the picture of the spiritual resurrection of the spiritually dead Catholic Church today.


The Holy Spirit and the Church

The Holy Scripture points out the work of the Third Divine Person, the Holy Spirit. The Son of God, Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit and through the obedience of faith of the Holy Virgin from Nazareth, assumes human nature and thus becomes also the Son of Man. Jesus received the baptism of repentance, though He did not need it, to give us an example. Heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit appeared over Christ in the likeness of a dove. That was when the Spirit of God anointed Him. Soon afterwards, Jesus read from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah in the synagogue in Nazareth: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach deliverance to the captives...”

During the Last Supper, Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit several times. On the third day, too, when He appeared risen to the Apostles after His death, He said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit ...” On the day of His ascension He promises: “John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” (Acts 1:5) “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) Then, on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles. The Church was born. In the power of the Spirit, the Apostles proclaimed the Gospel, witnessed to Jesus, and God accompanied their preaching by many miracles. Without the Holy Spirit, the Church is like a lifeless body – dead. The conversion of every Christian is the work of the Holy Spirit. Many have received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, but this is not enough; one has to walk in the Holy Spirit and be guided by Him on the path of following Christ. This is the transformation which John the Baptist speaks about: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (Jn 3:30)

Peter testified in the power of the Spirit in the house of a pagan centurion Cornelius about the death of Christ and His resurrection. The Spirit of God descended on Cornelius and all who were present, and caused them to speak in unknown languages (Acts 10). In Ephesus, the Apostle Paul met with some disciples and asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” They replied, “We have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” St Paul then taught them, they were baptized, and as soon as he laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. Altogether there were twelve men. (Acts 19:1-7)

The work of the Holy Spirit is described in 1Cor 14, Rom 8 and in many other places in the Holy Scripture.

The prophetic vision given to Ezekiel in Babylonian captivity is extremely topical even for our times. The Holy Spirit works especially in the Epiclesis, which is the essence of the Divine Liturgy. On our part, we need to have biblical faith. Such faith is seen with the prophets, and above all with the Most Holy Mother of God. She believed in God’s omnipotence when the Archangel Gabriel told her that there was nothing impossible for God. Elizabeth said about her, “Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!” (Lk 1:45) Mary expressed her obedience of faith when she said, “Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; be it done to me according to your word.” (Lk 1:38) Some saints, such as St Louis Grignion de Montfort, recommended living the Divine Liturgy with the Virgin Mary, supported by her faith. Let us try to imagine the faith of the Virgin Mary experiencing the Divine Liturgy celebrated by the Apostle John! He pronounced the words of Institution, and then invoked the Holy Spirit. The Mother of Jesus and a narrow circle of believers were united with his intense prayer to the Holy Spirit for making present the mystery of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Mary, out of all people, lived in the most intimate unity with the Holy Spirit. She was full of grace – kecharitomene (Lk 1:28), full of the Holy Spirit, both at the moment of the Incarnation of the Son of God and at Pentecost. And in the same Spirit she also lived this mystery of the Divine Liturgy.

The prophetic vision of the resurrection of dry bones refers to the paralyzed or spiritually dead Church which has expelled the Spirit of God. There has only remained a dead structure with heresies instead of the apostolic teachings and anti-morality instead of God’s commandments. This is the state of the present-day Catholic Church. That is why there is an urgent need in this helplessness and occupation by the spiritual Babylon to pray intensely to the Holy Spirit for the spiritual resurrection of this dead organism, of these dry bones.

The words of Institution are followed by the Anamnesis. Sometimes the priest calls to mind aloud the truths of our salvation, such as the cross, the tomb, the resurrection ... with short pauses so that he and the believers may realize these truths associated with Christ’s redemptive sacrifice. After the exclamation “Your own of Your own...”, the Epiclesis begins with the prayer: “Again we offer to You this spiritual and unbloody sacrifice, and we implore and pray, and entreat You, send down Your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these gifts here present.”


22 November 2018




Part three: The Epiclesis – How to experience the Epiclesis in the Liturgy


The Epiclesis is the invocation of the Holy Spirit both on us and on the gifts. It has three parts:

1) The priest kneels and implores God in a spirit: Send down the Holy Spirit upon us (Note: Throughout the Epiclesis, the chorus sings the antiphon: “We praise You...” or there is silence).

God promises through the prophet Ezekiel (37): “Behold, I will send spirit into you, and you shall live.” – We beseech in spirit: Lord, give us the Spirit of repentance, that we may live!

“I will put sinews on you” – Put sinews on us – the gift of prayer!

“I will bring flesh upon you” – Fill us with the power of Your commandments!

“I will cover you with protective skin” – Give us living communities!

“I will put Spirit in you, and you shall live” – Put the fullness of the Spirit in us, that we may live! Ye-ho-shu-aaa

2) The priest stands up, approaches the altar, extends his hands over the gifts and entreats silently: Send down Your Holy Spirit upon these gifts here present.” He realizes that he is in God’s presence in the pillar of light, where God’s almighty power works. Then three times silently he calls on the name of the Saviour, Yehoshua.

When calling on God’s name for the first time, he turns to God with the confession: You have created me and keep me in existence. Second time: Jesus, You have redeemed me by Your death on the cross. And in the third invocation of God’s name (Yehoshua) he realizes that now the Holy Spirit is making present Christ’s death on the altar. Then he makes the sign of the cross over the blessed bread, saying quietly, “And make this bread the precious Body of Your Christ.”

Thereupon, when breathing in, he unites with the Holy Spirit, and breathing out onto the bread, he says in thought, “Changing it by Your Holy Spirit!” Then he says quietly, “Amen!” The words of Jesus are fulfilled: “This is My body, which is given for you.”

Again, he realizes the reality of God’s omnipotence and pronounces three times God’s name Yehoshua. With the first invocation he turns to God again, confessing: You have created me, You keep me in existence. In the second invocation: Jesus, You have redeemed me by Your death on the cross. And in the third invocation of God’s name (Yehoshua), he realizes that the Holy Spirit, by His almighty power, now works the Transubstantiation (Consecration) in a mysterious way. The priest makes the sign of the cross over the chalice and says quietly, “And [make] that which is in this chalice the precious Blood of Your Christ.” He unites with the Holy Spirit again when breathing in and when breathing out onto the chalice he says in thought, “Changing it by Your Holy Spirit!” And he adds quietly, “Amen!” The words of Jesus are fulfilled: “This is My blood, which is shed for you for the remission of sins.”

Then, for a short while, he offers Christ’s Body and Blood to the Heavenly Father with faith for himself “and for many”.

3) The priest descends the altar, kneels and bows to the ground (he can even touch the ground with his forehead), knowing that the real Body and the real Blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ are on the altar. He remains kneeling in the awareness that the words of the Epiclesis, Changing them by Your Holy Spirit!” refer even to the baptized and to many. By the prophetic authority, given by God to Ezekiel (37:9), he turns to the Spirit of God with a supplication for those who, though baptized, are spiritually dead. He implores in silence:

Come, O Spirit, and breathe on these slain, that they may live in the east!” and slowly utters God’s name with faith again (Yehoshua).

That they may live in the south!” (Yehoshua)

That they may live in the west!” (Yehoshua)

That they may live in the north!” (Yehoshua)

At the conclusion of the Epiclesis, the priest emphasizes in a low voice: “Changing them by Your Holy Spirit!” and adds: “Amen, amen, amen!” The Epiclesis is thus accomplished.

The priest stands up and worships Christ, present on the altar, with fragrant incense, and also censes the people – the Mystical Body of Christ.

Note: This is one of the ways how to experience the Epiclesis, as practised in some monasteries.

The name of God is emphasized and invoked in the whole Scripture. Our salvation is in this holy name (cf. Rom 10:13).


25 November 2018



Part four: The Epiclesis – The Temple and Iconostasis


The biblical model of the Christian temple is the vision given by God (to Moses). It was applied to the Jerusalem Temple. The basic structure consists of the Holy of Holies, where God is present in a special way, the Holy Place, where the priests offered sacrifices to God, and the place for people.

The Eastern temple with an iconostasis, altar and tabernacle has preserved this biblical structure to this day. The Western Church had preserved it only until the Second Vatican Council which carried out an absurd reform. After the reform, the priest, who represents the people and offers sacrifice to God on the altar in their behalf, has turned his back to the centre of the temple, which is the tabernacle where God’s presence dwells constantly. Moreover, in many places the tabernacle has been removed from the centre of the temple. The reform has also removed the rail which separated the place for priests and for those who served at the altar.

The reform has interfered with the Liturgy, too. The long-standing tradition with a sense of sacredness has been violated and secularized by the spirit of aggiornamento. At the same time, the reform has started a self-destructive process of violation of the fundamental truths of faith and God’s commandments. Today, 50 years later, we can see the disastrous fruits in the sphere of doctrine and morals. Pseudo Pope Bergoglio approves Holy Communion for remarried divorced people or people who publicly refuse to repent and promote immorality. What sense does it make? What is more, some Canadian bishops advocate the admission of people to the sacraments even shortly before suicidal euthanasia. This is a degradation of the sacraments and a sacrilege.

At present, the Vatican along with the apostate Bergoglio reject the necessary spiritual reform. However, they enable every Episcopal conference to continue the liturgical modifications, allowing even deeper profanation. Those who want to maintain the inward unity with the orthodox teaching and Tradition of the Church, though outwardly they do not have the strength to separate from the Vatican’s apostasy, should use an opportunity to make a useful modification of the Liturgy and liturgical space. Many priests propose that when celebrating the Liturgy the priests should again adopt the posture which was maintained throughout the long centuries of the Church’s tradition. The Orthodox Church has maintained it until the present time. The priest does not celebrate the Liturgy with his back to the centre, i.e. the tabernacle, but both he and the people face it. Neither is the tabernacle removed from the centre of the temple. Turning one’s back to the tabernacle is no innocent change. One must know that in religious symbolism, the “east” has always symbolized the kingdom of God and the “west” the kingdom of darkness. That was why temples were built with the altar on the eastern side, and both the priest and the believers faced the altar, i.e. the east, with their backs to the west. Sts Cyril and Methodius told the catechumens to spit towards the west as a gesture of renouncing the devil and his demons. When Vatican II’s liturgical anti-reform made the priest turn his back to the tabernacle, i.e. to the east, and face the west, it thus made an expressive gesture of turning away from God towards the devil! If, however, some theologians say that it is because the priest renews baptismal vows in every Liturgy, renouncing the devil, it would actually mean spitting at the people, and that’s nonsense. So moving the altar forward and making the priest turn his back to the tabernacle is no innocent gesture! The more so because we can now see the fruits of the Vatican II aggiornamento pseudo reform.

As for the arrangement of the liturgical space, according to the biblical model the altar should be separated from the Holy of Holies. A visible cross should be a part of the altar. The Holy of Holies should be behind it. There should be enough space between the altar and the Holy of Holies to allow the priest to pass when he censes the altar and then even the Holy of Holies. The tabernacle in the Holy of Holies should be separated at least by a curtain with adoring angels on the front side, one on the right and one on the left. There can be two sanctuary lamps in front of the Holy of Holies.

The question of restoring the sacred space either by separating it by a railing or by a combination of two icons or statues of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Virgin is a matter that requires a feeling for architecture, aesthetics and mainly for spirituality.

The basis for the necessary reform today is to restore the liturgical posture of the priest so that he faces the tabernacle – the spiritual centre of the temple – as it used to be practised throughout the history.

Some priests suggest a moment of silence after Consecration as another liturgical adjustment. It disposes one to be mindful of the reality of Christ’s redemptive death on the cross for us and our sins. In the Eastern Liturgy, this time of approximately five minutes is reserved for the Epiclesis after the words of Institution (the words of Consecration in the Latin Liturgy).

Iconostasis in the Eastern Liturgy

On the iconostasis there are two main paintings next to the Royal doors, namely the icon of Christ and of the Virgin Mary with the Infant Jesus in her arms. The Greeks have modest iconostases. The Eastern Slavs, by contrast, have iconostases filled with many images that can serve as a picture catechism of the life of Jesus. In some churches, there are also wall paintings. The point is that pure icons appeal to the imagination of the believer and dispose him to faith. Unfortunately, not all icons evoke reverence for God or the saints. Today, the entire decadent school of iconography, behind which there is not the Spirit of God but the spirit of pseudo-spirituality and even Satanism, is promoted under the guise of ecclesiastical art. Instead of disposing to true piety, the “icons” have a destructive influence. For example, Jesus is depicted with an abnormally long body and a tiny head, angels look like demons, John the Baptist with his countenance and untidy hair resembles a robber or a werewolf. Theology students are being convinced that this is the very higher spirituality which must be expressed by such caricatures rather than by real images. But this is stupid demagogy! And this demagogy has been promoted under great pressure especially since the second half of the last century. So the Eastern ecclesiastical art has likewise been covertly penetrated by the spirit of Vatican II.

The spirit radiating from the icons also depends on the spirit of a particular iconographer. If one has a spirit of alcoholism, sympathy for the occult, lives a licentious life or is influenced by negative spirituality, the paintings literally ooze with it.

Example: A priest enthusiastic about modern iconography invited the most famous follower of the modern school to paint a new iconostasis. When the priest solemnly unveiled it with great excitement, the faithful were shocked. Some of them said, “What’s that?!” Others said, “We won’t have it in our church! It’s a window to hell and not to heaven!” And still others, “Shall we now worship demons in our church?” The iconostasis had to be thrown out.

On the other hand, the Protestants falsely claim that the Catholics and the Orthodox commit idolatry by venerating icons or statues. This is another extreme. We do not worship icons as idols, but we venerate those whom they represent.

The Catholics and the Orthodox distinguish between the so-called cult of hyperdulia – the veneration of the Mother of God – and the cult of dulia – the veneration of saints. The Divine worship (the cult of latria) is due only to God, the Son of God, Jesus Christ. As early as the ninth century, iconoclasm was condemned by the Council and the veneration of sacred images was confirmed anew.

Note on the Divine Liturgy:

It must be admitted that in the Epiclesis the Eastern Liturgy gives a greater and deeper opportunity for personal participation in the working of the Holy Spirit. Do priests and the faithful make the best use of this opportunity for their sanctification?


Supplement: “The fullness of the Holy Spirit” – The Resurrection

With the words “The fullness of the Holy Spirit”, the priest performs a liturgical gesture, thereby making present the mystery of Christ’s resurrection. The biblical term “the fullness of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 6:3.5.55; Lk 4:1...) is connected with the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles but also with the promise: “You will be ‘martyres’ (witnesses and martyrs) to Me.” (Acts 1:8)

To resist sin, i.e. lies and evil in us in the first place, sometimes means bloodless martyrdom. “In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood.” (Heb 12:4) If we receive Christ in the Liturgy, we share in His resurrection through the Holy Spirit: But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” (Rom 8:11)

If anyone does not want to keep the commandments of God, rejects the way of repentance and the Spirit of truth, and yet receives Holy Communion, he “eats and drinks judgment to himself” (1Cor 11:29).

What is the point of our life? Each of us will face death, God’s judgment, and then eternal happiness in glory or eternal suffering in hell. Both are unchangeable and eternal. You decide your own fate. You are a rational being, so think about the meaning of your existence.


+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr                                    + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops


26 November 2018


2018.06.20. 17:10 Idézet
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2015.06.06 08:21
Byzantine Patriarchate

Glory to Jesus Christ!

We send You a copy of our pastoral letter to Hungarian bishops of 18 May 2015.


Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Patriarchate

vkpatriarhat.org.ua, uogcc.org.ua, byzcathpatriarchate@gmail.com



Pastoral letter to Hungarian bishops


Dear Bishops of Hungary!

You live in a historic time when we are witnesses to gradual autogenocide of the nations under the influence of the ideology of consumerism which is associated with immorality and perversion. This ideology prioritizes homosexualism, paedophilia, zoophilia, narcotics, euthanasia even for children and healthy people, stealing of human organs. This age is ruthlessly anti-Christian and anti-Catholic. The individual’s identity is eroded and a kind of biorobots are formed by means of gender ideology. This false ideology removes the God-given difference between man and woman and produces de facto mentally disturbed individuals who become a plaything of a variety of not only unclean but even sadistic demons. These dubious characters are then purposefully promoted to key positions in order to terrorize normal people by establishing antilaws and consequently by sanctions and imprisonments. The priority in the EU currently is not just legalization but directly privileging of homosexualism and sexual perversions associated with the stealing of children from their loving parents, and that not from dysfunctional families but from good families. An artificial pretext for stealing of children is so-called “domestic violence” or “stifling love”, which are terms used by this system to refer to sound Christian and moral upbringing. Promotion of perversion among children starts in the very kindergartens. This satanic ideology leads to autogenocide of the nations and humanity under positive terms such as “children’s rights”, “women’s rights”, “child protection”... These terms are a guise for the most serious crimes against humanity, worse than the crimes of fascism or other genocidal ideologies in history. Mass media under the sway of this spirit change the minds of people and serve in promoting autogenocide of their own nations.

The greatest tragedy is that this moral decay is the fruit of heresies which covertly like cancer progressed in the Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Church. The former Pope Benedict XVI, being Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, admitted that after Vatican Council II only such priest could become a bishop who was open to the world. Such bishop then held liberal views coupled with heresies which he accepted as so-called aggiornamento. Astuteness consisted in the fact that these heresies were hidden and the heretic did not call them by their proper names (this also was admitted by Pope Benedict). This is how the spirit of antichrist works. The gravest heresies against Christ’s Gospel were spread even under the guise of positive terms. In the period after the Council, a true reform was needed within the Church through repentance and conversion! However, it was replaced by a so-called liturgical reform. In consequence, this reform was a crime against the Church because it pushed aside true repentance! It no longer placed emphasis on conversion, keeping God’s commandments and true celebration of Sunday.

At that time, the second half of the 20th century, paganism experienced a renaissance through Hindu yoga and Buddhist martial arts connected with meditations, massages and acupuncture. Furthermore, rock music which has its roots in the satanic voodoo associated with drugs, violence and cynicism was massively popularized. The sick and one-sided psychology of the atheist Freud and occultist Jung began to be deified. Sexual revolution stirred by paedophile Kinsey broke out. Heresies of neo-Modernism proclaimed by Bultmann and receptiveness to paganism through the Vatican II declaration on so-called reverence for pagan religions, i.e. for their demons, penetrated into the Church! Faithful Catholic bishops, priests and religious were isolated, ridiculed and punished for so-called disobedience to ecclesiastical authority! It was a process of anti-repentance, full openness to the world, so-called aggiornamento! Christianity became stale salt; prophets were spiritually killed, heretics got hold of the formation of the future clergy and occupied episcopal offices. That was a crime, a betrayal of Christ and of the Gospel! The disintegration process escalated under Pope John Paul II who tacitly approved of heresies and he himself made a receptive gesture to the spirit of paganism – the spirit of New Age! Hiding oneself behind moralizing without emphasizing repentance and conversion produced the opposite effect. A massive process of disintegration of the family started. The cult of unchastity was massively inculcated by the mass media. The Vatican remained silent and continued with the self-destruction programme of aggiornamento instead of salvific repentance! Instead of mission it promoted so-called peace and spiritual unity with paganism!

Heresies spread at theological faculties like an avalanche and covertly, under the guise of better understanding of Holy Scripture, denied the most fundamental truths of the faith: the Divinity of Christ, His historical and real Resurrection and divine inspiration of Holy Scripture. However, everything was disguised with the so-called scholarly historical-critical method, the substance of which was condemned already by Pope St Pius X. Behind this method was and is the spirit of neo-Modernism associated with atheism. This spirit uses an impudent principle of manipulation by way of ridiculing unconverted students of theology and inculcates heresies in their minds on the basis of intellectual pride!

At this critical time when it was necessary to repent, God’s Spirit breathed on the Church especially through the so-called Charismatic Renewal. This Renewal was intended to form Christ’s witnesses (martyrs – ‘martyres’) (Acts 1:8). The Apostles, and especially the Apostle Paul, were and always are an example. The Apostle Paul was a true witness – a martyr of Christ. He could say truthfully: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Phil 1:21) ... “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal 2:20). The Charismatic Renewal was de facto gradually quenched in the Catholic Church. The renewal of mission which began on its basis ended soon. So this Renewal failed to leaven the paralyzed Church. Who is to blame? Obviously both sides. Those who accepted the spiritual renewal, but also the Church hierarchy and the false prophets, so-called theologians, who abused converted people, thwarted their vocation and made them instruments of spreading poisonous liberal and neo-Modernist theology. In this post-conciliar period, Pope John Paul II instead of true repentance makes a gesture in Assisi by which he opens the door of the Church to the spirit of paganism which is associated with divination, magic and spiritualism and which worships demons in place of God. Beginning with Moses and ending with the last book of Scripture, a hard fight is waged against this spirit. The prophets called this “reverence” for other religions and their demons “spiritual fornication”. Martyrs refused to drop a single grain of incense and preferred to die rather than show reverence for demons! By his gesture, John Paul II committed a grave crime against the Gospel, against the Church Tradition and against the whole Scripture. This gesture introduced new thinking but heretical one which falsely considers pagan religions to be alternative ways to salvation! This is nonsense and a supreme heresy! This gesture practically puts an end to mission. Mission starts to be pejoratively called proselytism which allegedly harms the culture of the particular nation. Consequently, through these phrases, the Holy Spirit was expelled from the Church and moral decay began. Scandals connected with clerical paedophilia spreading from America through Ireland to Australia discredited the Catholic Church. What put the lid on was that by his gesture of beatification of John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI de facto elevated to the altar of the Church heresies of neo-Modernism disseminated during the pontificate of John Paul II who gave his tacit consent to them. At the same time, he canonized the spirit of neo-paganism and syncretism which John Paul II introduced by his gesture in Assisi in 1986. This apostatical gesture set a precedent for all Catholics! His beatification represented the culmination of apostasy from orthodox doctrine and Tradition, and brought down a curse on the Catholic Church according to the Word of God: “If anyone preaches any other gospel, even if it was an angel from heaven, let him be accursed.” (cf. Gal 1:8-9).

The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate appealed to Benedict XVI to reject this step of beatification even if it should cost him life. However, because he did make this step, the Patriarchate made public God’s curse – anathema on him that very day – 1 May 2011. Through him, this curse fell on the whole Catholic Church! The publication of anathema was intended to awaken him to the reality and to help him repent in earnest! Unfortunately, he shows no repentance and the infection affects more and more nations. The Ukrainian nation at the present time is an example of how a curse looks for which the blame falls above all on the Catholic Church which instigated a so-called revolution of dignity, or homosexuality, instead of repentance (see statements by Bishop Gudziak and Card. Husar). Thus the Catholic Church, due to its apostasy, brings down a curse on the nations and sows physical and spiritual death! This is the harsh reality and we cannot close our eyes to it. Honest Catholics ask: How to repent? How to adopt sound Christian principles and tradition cleansed of heresies and amoral devastation of the post-conciliar period?

The Hungarian nation is the only one in the EU to oppose the antichristian laws and to declare the family to be the foundation of human society. In the Constitution, this nation clearly defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman, whereby it flatly rejects homosexual or lesbian marriage as promoted by degenerate Europe. The Vatican and its current pseudo-Pope Francis give tacit consent to the latter. Francis has not said a single radical word against heresies, against syncretism or against homosexual or transsexual perversion! By his gestures, silence and indications he expresses approval of this rebellion against the law of God and against God! The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate published God’s anathema on him too acc. Gal 1:8-9. No one can remove the anathema from him unless he repents in earnest!

At the present time every Catholic Christian, be it a layman, religious, priest, bishop or cardinal, is obliged before God to confess the true Catholic faith and to dissociate himself from the spirit of modern heresies and from the spirit of apostasy in the Church. The external gesture must be separation from the curse of the Vatican! Priests must not mention the name of the present heretical “Pope” in the liturgy. If anyone does so, then by this external gesture he brings down a curse on himself and on all attendants in the church. The believers are obliged to warn such priest or bishop! If he persists under the sway of the spirit of curse, they must dissociate themselves from the heretic according to the Bull of Pope St Paul IV and are no longer bound by obedience to such pseudo-Pope, bishop or priest. This apostate church structure which rejects repentance is not part of the Mystical Body of Christ – the Church – any more! Therefore, a priest who manifests unity with Pope” Francis in the liturgy or in public thus voluntarily remains under his curse and receives the spirit of New Age which drove out the Spirit of God from the Church! Liturgies celebrated by such priest and all sacraments administered by him are then just a pious performance and are null and void! To show repentance, every priest must confess the true faith, publicly (in the presence of the faithful) renounce the spirit of neo-Modernism which is proclaimed at theological faculties through historical-critical theology, renounce the spirit of syncretism (i.e. the spirit of Assisi) associated with reverence for pagan religions and their demons, and renounce false tolerance of homosexual, transsexual and other forms of sexual perversion! These are sins above all against the First Commandment for which an anathema falls on every priest, bishop, religious or common believer acc. Gal 1:8-9!!!

A sign of repentance must be that a priest will not mention the present invalid Pope Francis in the liturgy. He can use the following formula instead: “In unity with all orthodox Popes and Bishops of the Catholic Church”.

Through the gesture in Assisi and through heresies, the spirit of satanization was unleashed on the individual Catholic nations. We now reap the fruits in present-day antichristian Europe! The exception in the EU is Hungary! The political regime under Prime Minister V. Orban correctly defined the essence of marriage in the Constitution of the State. In fact, it thus rejected all forms of pseudo-marriage (homosexual and schizophrenic gender ideology)!

Another heroic step of the Prime Minister was his resistance to the business system which was abused and prevented people from keeping Sunday. True celebration of Sunday enables Christians to find time for themselves, for their family, for prayer, for God’s Word as well as for a living fellowship! The reform of Christianity must start with these measures declared by the political representative of Hungary – restoration of the family through celebration of Sunday! It is not enough today to be present at the Sunday liturgy. And if this liturgy is celebrated by a priest who is in unity with the apostate Vatican, it is a source of curse rather than blessing! It is necessary that Sunday should be the Day of Resurrection and the Day of the Holy Spirit when Christians devote time to family prayer and especially Christian men gather together and devote themselves to fellowship after the example of early Christians (Acts 2:42). Here men would find time for prayer and then they would learn how to perform the function of the head in the family, in the Church and in society. They would ask the Holy Spirit for true wisdom in protecting their family, bringing up children and struggling together for the preservation of moral values which are the greatest treasure for the nation. Without fellowship, without the apostles’ teaching – i.e. the Bible and orthodox Tradition, and without prayers of men who lift up holy hands to God (1Ti 2:8) the Church and the nation cannot be restored. Therefore, the Catholic Church in Hungary cannot be subject in false obedience to the spirit of apostasy which holds power in the present-day Vatican. It is not the Spirit of Christ but just an imitation, disguised with pious phrases, using psychological manipulation and abusing spiritual authority and obedience for self-destruction of the Church and nation.

The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate appeals to all Hungarian Catholics as well as all Christians in Hungary to join in perpetual prayer and to call on God day and night for spiritual resurrection of the Catholic Church in Hungary. 24 people fill 24 hours of the day and each of them keeps one-hour prayer guard for one week in a month. 4 groups, comprised of 24 members each, fill 4 weeks and the cycle repeats itself. Apart from that, let each participant pray the holy hour from 8 to 9 p.m. at home or in the place where they are.

The believers should alert the bishops and priests in writing or in person to the necessity of renouncing heresies as well as unity with the spirit of the present-day apostate Vatican.

You, Bishops of Hungary, have ideal conditions for making a heroic step and dissociating Yourselves from the heresies of the apostate Vatican. This will set a precedent for restoring the whole Catholic Church! Unless You make this step, You will be more responsible before the judgment seat of God than the bishops in the states where homosexuality was legalized. If You remain subject to the apostate Vatican in false obedience, You thus resist not only the law of God but also the state law of Hungary which rejects same-sex marriage!

This pastoral letter is a word of prophecy for all Hungary. God gives it to You for Your salvation! “Unless you repent, you will all perish!” (Lk 13:3).

Bestowing a blessing on all sincere Christians in the Hungarian nation,


+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate


Donetsk, 18 May 2015


+ Methodius OSBMr           +Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops


see vkpatriarhat.org.ua/en/?page_id=9564



P.S.: We would like to ask Hungarian Christians for a translation of the text from English or from the Czech original into Hungarian and sending it out by mail to their friends who have at heart salvation of their souls and restoration of their nation.



Copies to:

  • Prime Minister and Government of Hungary
  • Priests, religious and Catholic believers of Hungary
  • Presidents of EU Members States
  • Bishops of EU Member States
  • MEPs
  • President and Government of the Russian Federation
  • Presidents and Governments of Ukraine and Belarus
  • Bishops of the Orthodox Church in Europe
  • Vatican Secretariat of State
  • Mass media in the EU

2018.03.12. 23:06 Idézet

Dicsértessék a Jézus Krisztus!


Meghívót küldünk a magyar nemzetnek és a többi V4 államnak az iszlamizáció és a nemi ideológia veszélyeiről. Felhívjuk mindegyik nemzetet, hogy szervezzen tűntetést Húsvét hétfőn, hogy megmentse a nemzetet. Magyarok, csehek, szlovákok, lengyelek ébredjetek! Ébredj, Isten csodát tesz! Lépjen ki a közömbösségből és tűntetéssel fejezze ki nézetét! A húsvét hétfője lehet a nemzet feltámadásának nagyszerű folyamata!

(Videó youtu.be/PQbrFVfit5g, atlas-9.wistia.com/medias/tqvlevu6gt)


Tisztelettel és imádsággal a magyar nemzet számára


A bizánci katolikus patriarchátus püspökei

vkpatriarhat.org, uogcc.org.ua, byzcathpatriarchate@gmail.com



Csehek és Morvák, ébredjetek!


A 2018-as év a Cseh Köztársaság 100. évfordulójának éve, és ebben az évben két nagy veszély fenyeget bennünket. Fenyeget az Isztambuli Egyezmény ratifikálása és a Dublin IV. aláírása.

Mit tartalmaz az úgynevezett Isztambuli Egyezmény?

Röviden: ez nem „megelőzés nők elleni erőszak és a családon belüli erőszak”, de ez a megtestesülés öngyilkos nemi ideológia bevezetésével járó nemzetek feletti ellenőrzési mechanizmus (pl.GREVIO).

Mit jelent a gyakorlatban? A gyermekeket ok nélkül elrabolják a családoktól ez a szupranacionális mechanizmus. Tehát ez a helyzet Norvégiában, Finnországban, Franciaországban, Angliában, Németországban, ... de az információkat szigorúan titokban tartják, így a közvéleményt a bűncselekményekről az újfasiszta rendszer általában nem tudatja. Az Isztambuli Egyezmény ratifikálása még annál is rosszabb, mint aláírni a halálos ítéletét több százezer védtelen gyermek élete felett!

 Mi a Dublin IV?

Az Európai Unió tagállamai, köztük a Cseh Köztársaság is, hogy véglegesen befogadjanak iszlamokat, milliárdos bírságot fognak fizetni (ha megtagadva 4 bevándorló befogadását, egymillió euró bírságot kell fizetni, 400 bevándorló megtagadásáért: 1 milliárd euró).

A Dublini aláírást követően a migránsok feletti döntés joga nem a Cseh kormány hatáskörébe fog tartozni, hanem a nyereség mentes szervezetek fognak dönteni a migránsok felett! Ezután korlátozás nélkül szállítják a migránsokat Cseh Köztársaságba mind a muzulmán országokból, mind Németországból az úgy nevezett kiengyenlítésről legyen szó. Ezért Dublin IV. mert biztosítja, hogy a V4 országokat, Csehországot, Szlovákiát, Lengyelországot és Magyarországot, hogy elsödlegessen betöltsék bevándorlókkal.

Ugyanakkor az Európai Unióban egyesíteni kell a szociális segélyeket azért, hogy azok a bevándorlók akik Németországból és Svédországból kerülnek a ezek országokba oda többé ne térjenek vissza. A havi hozzájárulás összege 1 bevándorlónak Svédországban, mintegy ezer euró (ez 30.000 korona), Németországban 700 EUR (21.000 korona). A cseh állampolgárok, különösen a nyugdíjasok és a bevándorlók között létrejön egy hézag a bevándorlókkal kapcsolatban ami a szociális segélyt illeti. Továbbá, az iszlám migránsok jogosultak lesznek ezekre a csodálatos összegekre befektetett munka nélkül.

Ezért a Dublint automatikusan kötödik a "Global Compact-hoz." Az Egyesült Nemzetek Szervezete irányítja, és a Soros nonprofit szervezetek újból megvalósítják. A migráció további fokozásáról és az állami határok tényleges eltörléséről szól.

Csehek és Morvák, ebben az évben döntenek nemzetünk létezéséről és nem létezéséről! Iszlamizálódás (Dublin), egy géppuska, melyet emberre irányítnak egyik oldalról és másik oldalról ez gender Grevie (Isztambul). Válaszd ki, hogy mellyikkel oldalról akarod, hogy lelőjenek. Vagy mindkettőröl? És az emberek nem tudják, vagy nem akarják elhinni!

Mi a megoldás? Lépjen ki a közömbösségből és mondja meg az ellenvéleményét! Döntse el az életet, utasítsa el a halált! Menjenek ki Húsvét hétfőn minden falu és a város utcáira. Még ha csak hárman vagy öten is volnátok, akkor is van értelme! Bízz Istenben, mint Dávid, aki egy parittyával és öt kövel elindult a Góliát elleni küzdelembe. Isten adta neki a győzelmet! Rögtön megnyerte az első ködobás után. Te is megnyered a hit és az átláthatóság által! Igen, nyersz.

Bárki, aki továbbra is közömbös a kihívással szemben, ő maga és nemzetének önpusztulásáért lesz felelős!

A diákok a középiskolások és egyetemisták, vegyenek részt tűntetésen Húsvét hétfőn (április 2), a saját szülővárosukban vagy falvakban.

A húsvét hétfője lehet a nemzet feltámadásának nagyszerű folyamata!

Csehek és morvák, ébredjetek!


Ezért hozzátok fordulok szlovákok, lengyelek és magyarok: húsvét hétfőn ti is szervezzetek tüntetést az adott országban! Amikor felkelsz, Isten csodát tesz! Igen, csoda lesz. És megmenti a nemzeteket az iszlamizációtól és a nemi szodomizmustól és a későbbi megsemmisítéstől.


Csehek, szlovákok, lengyelek, magyarok, ébredjetek!


+ Eliás

A bizánci katolikus patriarchátus pátriárkája


3. 3. 2018

2016.04.19. 23:24 Idézet

Nekem Nagyon Nagyon tetszik nekem EZ this page Mert nekem ajánlotta Lak Gábor atya Akit ti is ismertek Pestszentimrén egy katolikus templom plébánosa ő is szeret veletek foglalkozni ezért nekem Mondta egyszer egy alkalommal azóta nekem Nagyon Nagyon tetszik Mert én is jó magam értelmifogyatékos vagyok és 1.éve hogy katolikus vagyok elsőáldozásból és bérmálkodásból lettem katolikus ezért van írtam a üzenőfalatokra.

Máté Krisztina

2015.10.15. 15:21 Idézet

A letter of thanks to Hungary


The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate hereby addresses the Hungarian nation – all sectors of society, the political government, the religious leaders, the men and women, the youth. Above all, on behalf of the Patriarchate and on behalf of all sincere Christians, we thank the representatives of the government for:

1) rejecting gender perversion and same-sex marriage, and acknowledging in the Constitution marriage as the union of one man and one woman, thus preserving the Christian Europe tradition;

2) legalizing a ban on Sunday trading in supermarkets, thus preventing the desecration of a holy day and consequently destabilization of the family;

3) effective resistance of the government and the people to the Islamization of the nation promoted by US globalists. Hungary has thus become an example to others, mainly the Slovak and Czech Republics.

Do persevere in your brave resistance to globalization! Antilaws are systematically imposed on every nation. Their aim is to promote moral, spiritual and physical autogenocide. The anti-Decalogue of the so-called Lisbon Treaty with the priority of homosexuality and sexual LGBTQ deviance has resulted in a curse progressing. The responsibility for this curse coupled with the Islamization of Europe rests primarily with the Vatican. The Vatican has fallen away from God by endorsing and proclaiming heresies of neo-Modernism which deny Christ’s redemptive sacrifice on the cross, His real and historical resurrection and divine inspiration of Scripture. In addition, the Vatican advocates syncretism with paganism (Nostra aetate 1965, Assisi 1986). Pseudo Pope Francis de facto approves homosexuality, which became manifest especially in his gesture of kissing the feet of a transsexual. An anathema – a curse acc. Gal 1:8-9 – was declared on him, Card. Bergoglio, on 15 September 2009 for unity with heresies and syncretism. He occupies the office illegitimately. The dogmatic bull of St Paul IV promulgated: “If the Roman Pontiff, prior to his promotion or elevation as Roman Pontiff, has fallen into some heresy, the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been by the unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, void and worthless. Each and all of his actions and enactments, howsoever made, shall be without force!” Therefore his regulation requiring all Catholics in Europe to host at least one family of Muslims in every parish and every convent does not oblige anyone and, moreover, it is a betrayal of Christ, the Gospel and the whole Christian tradition. Francis has projected nationwide Islamization through the mediation of each parish. Not even US globalists have dared to come up with such a project. No bishop and no priest can by any means for reasons of conscience realize this project of self-destruction of the nation and Christianity, and, moreover, as citizens of Hungary they have no right to do so.

We hereby encourage the Catholic Bishops to set an example of repentance and to renounce heresies and syncretism with paganism. If any of the bishops are under an anathema, after this gesture of renunciation and profession of faith the anathema will be removed (see Attachment).

Hungary has found itself at the epicentre of the fight against satanic globalization. Therefore it needs God’s help. May Hungary start sound mission and be raised spiritually through conversion and true repentance! Saint Paul encourages us to desire the gift of prophecy intended to “comfort, exhort and edify” (cf. 1Cor 14:3). May there be such prophets who will speak in the mass media and censure the system of demagoguery, lies and NWO globalization. May they expose the methods and crimes of globalists. May they uncover juvenile justice crime statistics of mental and physical child abuse. In Norway, 59 of children stolen from their parents by the juvenile justice system commit suicide every year. Mothers end up in alcoholism, drug addiction or suicide. The pernicious fruit of the juvenile justice system is also seen in England, France, Finland... Some European countries have already legalized narcotics and even euthanasia for children! There is a need for true warriors and defenders of the truth in the Hungarian mass media! There is a need to use the mass media, culture and education properly to mould the younger generation. Young people need to be prepared for responsible family life and warned against self-destructive traps set by globalists who mainly abuse the Internet technology. It is necessary that men who have received Christ as their Lord and Saviour gather together in small groups and learn to be the head of the family and society, primarily by a responsible approach to problems. Then they will have the strength to pursue truth and justice and to protect the nation against autogenocidal and treacherous systems.

The prophetic programme for the spiritual resurrection of the individual, family and nation at the present time is as follows:

1) A tithe of time (2 hours and 25 minutes) to God and your soul in prayer. All family members pray the holy hour from 8 to 9 p.m. together (vkpatriarhat.org.ua/en/?p=11475). Every Christian prays for one hour during the day – this is a so-called prayer guard creating a continuous prayer for the salvation of Hungary (vkpatriarhat.org.ua/en/?p=11481). Pensioners can take turns praying in the nighttime. It is appropriate that during the week they gather for common prayer and take full advantage of pension age for their own benefit as well as for the benefit of their family and the nation (see the lifting up of a mountain acc. Mk 11:23: vkpatriarhat.org.ua/en/?p=9943 and the prophetic prayer acc. Ez 37: vkpatriarhat.org.ua/en/?p=9812). Christians also stop for a short prayer (3-5 minutes) during the day (see vkpatriarhat.org.ua/en/?p=4952). Except for a short stop after getting up and at the end of the holy hour at 21:00, the prayer stops are at 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 and 18:00 and before bedtime.

2) Celebration of Sunday (see vkpatriarhat.org.ua/en/?p=11421)

Time for fellowship is part of the celebration of Sunday. It is time when men pray and devote themselves to the Word of God, but also seek the truth in dealing with concrete problems in the spiritual, family and political struggle against the system of lies and the spirit of death.

May Hungary through sincere Christians receive a vital spiritual programme for its salvation and become a model of spiritual resurrection for other nations!

Praying for Hungary,



+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate



+ Methodius OSBMr             + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops






28 September 2015

Attachment: Confession form

1) Do you believe in the One Lord Jesus Christ, Light from Light, true God from true God, of one Being with the Father, who for us and for our salvation became man, and by the power of the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary?

2) Do you believe that our Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for you and for your sins, and rose from the dead on the third day historically and really?

3) Do you receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour and do you give your life to Him?

4) Do you receive the Blessed Virgin as your spiritual Mother like the disciple by the cross? (Jn 19:25-27)

5) Do you receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth and the spirit of repentance, in order to become Christ’s witness, martyr, like the Apostles?

6) Do you renounce the spirit of the New Age – the spirit of syncretism with pagan religions and the heresies of neo-Modernism?

7) Do you renounce the spirit of gender ideology which promotes all forms of LGBTQ sexual perversion?

8) Do you renounce the destructive system of juvenile justice which ruthlessly steals children from their parents and abuses them morally, mentally and physically?

9) Do you renounce Satan and his demons, especially those who at this time work through different covert forms of magic, spiritualism or divination (homoeopathy, acupuncture, hypnosis, divination by pendulum...)?

10) Do you renounce the spirit of Freemasonry and the New World Order (NWO) – the spirit of globalization which programmes moral, spiritual and physical autogenocide of Christianity and humanity?


.............................................         .................................

(Signature)                                               (Date)

2015.10.07. 14:52 Idézet

Is Allah and the Christian God one and the same?


The present time witnesses mass Islamization of Europe, which is promoted by the USA in cooperation with the Vatican. On 6 September 2015, pseudo Pope Francis launched a programme of destruction of Christianity and European civilization. He demands that every parish, every monastery and every sanctuary throughout Europe should host a so-called Muslim family. This is a betrayal of the faith and violation of the sovereignty of individual European states. The fruit of Francis’ “mercy” shall be nationwide Islamization of Europe through suicidal Catholics.

A synod held at Constantinople in 1180 adopted a formula holding that Allah is not the God of the Bible. The synod also adopted the formula of solemn abjuration of the faith in Allah and his prophet Muhammad which was exacted from Muslim converts to Christianity before receiving the sacrament of Baptism. This was also the practice of the Orthodox Church in Russia, where Muslim minorities existed.

The Byzantine apologists of the Christian faith against Islam were e.g.: St John Damascene; Bartholomew of Edessa; Gennadius, Patriarch of Constantinople; the Latin apologists: St Thomas Aquinas; Peter of Cluny; Raymond Lull; Dominican friar Richard; John of Torquemada.

Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day, historically and really. His Resurrection is the strongest evidence that all that He said in the Gospel is true. Furthermore, the Resurrection is the evidence of His Divinity. Assuming our human nature through the Blessed Virgin and the Holy Spirit, He revealed the mystery of the Holy Trinity: there is one God in three persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The heresy saying that Allah is the same as the Triune God was implied in the Nostra aetate declaration of Vatican II (1965). However, the Muslims themselves deny this heresy.

If there was unity between the two, the Koran would not order Muslims to kill non-Muslims and above all “the people of the Covenant”, i.e. Jews and Christians. Therefore, the God of Christians and the Allah of Islam are two diametrically different beings.

The Bible testifies: “Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either.” So true Catholic and Orthodox believers never identify the Christian God the Father with Allah who calls for a bloody slaughter of all Christians. To put it concretely, Muslims cut their heads off in a ritual and accompany it with prayers to Allah. This actually reminds of human sacrifices in pagan rites.

Modern heretics with the so-called spirit of ecumenism and interfaith dialogue deceive the common believers by so-called peace prayers and various gestures. John Paul II kisses the Koran and prays with pagans who “sacrifice to demons” (1Cor 10:20).

One must know that the Allah of Islam is not the same as the Triune God of Christians!



+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate


+ Methodius OSBMr           +Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops





Donetsk – Prague, 5 October 2015



Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

vkpatriarhat.org.ua, uogcc.org.ua, byzcathpatriarchate@gmail.com


2015.06.06. 08:21 Idézet

Glory to Jesus Christ!

We send You a copy of our pastoral letter to Hungarian bishops of 18 May 2015.


Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Patriarchate

vkpatriarhat.org.ua, uogcc.org.ua, byzcathpatriarchate@gmail.com



Pastoral letter to Hungarian bishops


Dear Bishops of Hungary!

You live in a historic time when we are witnesses to gradual autogenocide of the nations under the influence of the ideology of consumerism which is associated with immorality and perversion. This ideology prioritizes homosexualism, paedophilia, zoophilia, narcotics, euthanasia even for children and healthy people, stealing of human organs. This age is ruthlessly anti-Christian and anti-Catholic. The individual’s identity is eroded and a kind of biorobots are formed by means of gender ideology. This false ideology removes the God-given difference between man and woman and produces de facto mentally disturbed individuals who become a plaything of a variety of not only unclean but even sadistic demons. These dubious characters are then purposefully promoted to key positions in order to terrorize normal people by establishing antilaws and consequently by sanctions and imprisonments. The priority in the EU currently is not just legalization but directly privileging of homosexualism and sexual perversions associated with the stealing of children from their loving parents, and that not from dysfunctional families but from good families. An artificial pretext for stealing of children is so-called “domestic violence” or “stifling love”, which are terms used by this system to refer to sound Christian and moral upbringing. Promotion of perversion among children starts in the very kindergartens. This satanic ideology leads to autogenocide of the nations and humanity under positive terms such as “children’s rights”, “women’s rights”, “child protection”... These terms are a guise for the most serious crimes against humanity, worse than the crimes of fascism or other genocidal ideologies in history. Mass media under the sway of this spirit change the minds of people and serve in promoting autogenocide of their own nations.

The greatest tragedy is that this moral decay is the fruit of heresies which covertly like cancer progressed in the Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Church. The former Pope Benedict XVI, being Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, admitted that after Vatican Council II only such priest could become a bishop who was open to the world. Such bishop then held liberal views coupled with heresies which he accepted as so-called aggiornamento. Astuteness consisted in the fact that these heresies were hidden and the heretic did not call them by their proper names (this also was admitted by Pope Benedict). This is how the spirit of antichrist works. The gravest heresies against Christ’s Gospel were spread even under the guise of positive terms. In the period after the Council, a true reform was needed within the Church through repentance and conversion! However, it was replaced by a so-called liturgical reform. In consequence, this reform was a crime against the Church because it pushed aside true repentance! It no longer placed emphasis on conversion, keeping God’s commandments and true celebration of Sunday.

At that time, the second half of the 20th century, paganism experienced a renaissance through Hindu yoga and Buddhist martial arts connected with meditations, massages and acupuncture. Furthermore, rock music which has its roots in the satanic voodoo associated with drugs, violence and cynicism was massively popularized. The sick and one-sided psychology of the atheist Freud and occultist Jung began to be deified. Sexual revolution stirred by paedophile Kinsey broke out. Heresies of neo-Modernism proclaimed by Bultmann and receptiveness to paganism through the Vatican II declaration on so-called reverence for pagan religions, i.e. for their demons, penetrated into the Church! Faithful Catholic bishops, priests and religious were isolated, ridiculed and punished for so-called disobedience to ecclesiastical authority! It was a process of anti-repentance, full openness to the world, so-called aggiornamento! Christianity became stale salt; prophets were spiritually killed, heretics got hold of the formation of the future clergy and occupied episcopal offices. That was a crime, a betrayal of Christ and of the Gospel! The disintegration process escalated under Pope John Paul II who tacitly approved of heresies and he himself made a receptive gesture to the spirit of paganism – the spirit of New Age! Hiding oneself behind moralizing without emphasizing repentance and conversion produced the opposite effect. A massive process of disintegration of the family started. The cult of unchastity was massively inculcated by the mass media. The Vatican remained silent and continued with the self-destruction programme of aggiornamento instead of salvific repentance! Instead of mission it promoted so-called peace and spiritual unity with paganism!

Heresies spread at theological faculties like an avalanche and covertly, under the guise of better understanding of Holy Scripture, denied the most fundamental truths of the faith: the Divinity of Christ, His historical and real Resurrection and divine inspiration of Holy Scripture. However, everything was disguised with the so-called scholarly historical-critical method, the substance of which was condemned already by Pope St Pius X. Behind this method was and is the spirit of neo-Modernism associated with atheism. This spirit uses an impudent principle of manipulation by way of ridiculing unconverted students of theology and inculcates heresies in their minds on the basis of intellectual pride!

At this critical time when it was necessary to repent, God’s Spirit breathed on the Church especially through the so-called Charismatic Renewal. This Renewal was intended to form Christ’s witnesses (martyrs – ‘martyres’) (Acts 1:8). The Apostles, and especially the Apostle Paul, were and always are an example. The Apostle Paul was a true witness – a martyr of Christ. He could say truthfully: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Phil 1:21) ... “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal 2:20). The Charismatic Renewal was de facto gradually quenched in the Catholic Church. The renewal of mission which began on its basis ended soon. So this Renewal failed to leaven the paralyzed Church. Who is to blame? Obviously both sides. Those who accepted the spiritual renewal, but also the Church hierarchy and the false prophets, so-called theologians, who abused converted people, thwarted their vocation and made them instruments of spreading poisonous liberal and neo-Modernist theology. In this post-conciliar period, Pope John Paul II instead of true repentance makes a gesture in Assisi by which he opens the door of the Church to the spirit of paganism which is associated with divination, magic and spiritualism and which worships demons in place of God. Beginning with Moses and ending with the last book of Scripture, a hard fight is waged against this spirit. The prophets called this “reverence” for other religions and their demons “spiritual fornication”. Martyrs refused to drop a single grain of incense and preferred to die rather than show reverence for demons! By his gesture, John Paul II committed a grave crime against the Gospel, against the Church Tradition and against the whole Scripture. This gesture introduced new thinking but heretical one which falsely considers pagan religions to be alternative ways to salvation! This is nonsense and a supreme heresy! This gesture practically puts an end to mission. Mission starts to be pejoratively called proselytism which allegedly harms the culture of the particular nation. Consequently, through these phrases, the Holy Spirit was expelled from the Church and moral decay began. Scandals connected with clerical paedophilia spreading from America through Ireland to Australia discredited the Catholic Church. What put the lid on was that by his gesture of beatification of John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI de facto elevated to the altar of the Church heresies of neo-Modernism disseminated during the pontificate of John Paul II who gave his tacit consent to them. At the same time, he canonized the spirit of neo-paganism and syncretism which John Paul II introduced by his gesture in Assisi in 1986. This apostatical gesture set a precedent for all Catholics! His beatification represented the culmination of apostasy from orthodox doctrine and Tradition, and brought down a curse on the Catholic Church according to the Word of God: “If anyone preaches any other gospel, even if it was an angel from heaven, let him be accursed.” (cf. Gal 1:8-9).

The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate appealed to Benedict XVI to reject this step of beatification even if it should cost him life. However, because he did make this step, the Patriarchate made public God’s curse – anathema on him that very day – 1 May 2011. Through him, this curse fell on the whole Catholic Church! The publication of anathema was intended to awaken him to the reality and to help him repent in earnest! Unfortunately, he shows no repentance and the infection affects more and more nations. The Ukrainian nation at the present time is an example of how a curse looks for which the blame falls above all on the Catholic Church which instigated a so-called revolution of dignity, or homosexuality, instead of repentance (see statements by Bishop Gudziak and Card. Husar). Thus the Catholic Church, due to its apostasy, brings down a curse on the nations and sows physical and spiritual death! This is the harsh reality and we cannot close our eyes to it. Honest Catholics ask: How to repent? How to adopt sound Christian principles and tradition cleansed of heresies and amoral devastation of the post-conciliar period?

The Hungarian nation is the only one in the EU to oppose the antichristian laws and to declare the family to be the foundation of human society. In the Constitution, this nation clearly defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman, whereby it flatly rejects homosexual or lesbian marriage as promoted by degenerate Europe. The Vatican and its current pseudo-Pope Francis give tacit consent to the latter. Francis has not said a single radical word against heresies, against syncretism or against homosexual or transsexual perversion! By his gestures, silence and indications he expresses approval of this rebellion against the law of God and against God! The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate published God’s anathema on him too acc. Gal 1:8-9. No one can remove the anathema from him unless he repents in earnest!

At the present time every Catholic Christian, be it a layman, religious, priest, bishop or cardinal, is obliged before God to confess the true Catholic faith and to dissociate himself from the spirit of modern heresies and from the spirit of apostasy in the Church. The external gesture must be separation from the curse of the Vatican! Priests must not mention the name of the present heretical “Pope” in the liturgy. If anyone does so, then by this external gesture he brings down a curse on himself and on all attendants in the church. The believers are obliged to warn such priest or bishop! If he persists under the sway of the spirit of curse, they must dissociate themselves from the heretic according to the Bull of Pope St Paul IV and are no longer bound by obedience to such pseudo-Pope, bishop or priest. This apostate church structure which rejects repentance is not part of the Mystical Body of Christ – the Church – any more! Therefore, a priest who manifests unity with Pope” Francis in the liturgy or in public thus voluntarily remains under his curse and receives the spirit of New Age which drove out the Spirit of God from the Church! Liturgies celebrated by such priest and all sacraments administered by him are then just a pious performance and are null and void! To show repentance, every priest must confess the true faith, publicly (in the presence of the faithful) renounce the spirit of neo-Modernism which is proclaimed at theological faculties through historical-critical theology, renounce the spirit of syncretism (i.e. the spirit of Assisi) associated with reverence for pagan religions and their demons, and renounce false tolerance of homosexual, transsexual and other forms of sexual perversion! These are sins above all against the First Commandment for which an anathema falls on every priest, bishop, religious or common believer acc. Gal 1:8-9!!!

A sign of repentance must be that a priest will not mention the present invalid Pope Francis in the liturgy. He can use the following formula instead: “In unity with all orthodox Popes and Bishops of the Catholic Church”.

Through the gesture in Assisi and through heresies, the spirit of satanization was unleashed on the individual Catholic nations. We now reap the fruits in present-day antichristian Europe! The exception in the EU is Hungary! The political regime under Prime Minister V. Orban correctly defined the essence of marriage in the Constitution of the State. In fact, it thus rejected all forms of pseudo-marriage (homosexual and schizophrenic gender ideology)!

Another heroic step of the Prime Minister was his resistance to the business system which was abused and prevented people from keeping Sunday. True celebration of Sunday enables Christians to find time for themselves, for their family, for prayer, for God’s Word as well as for a living fellowship! The reform of Christianity must start with these measures declared by the political representative of Hungary – restoration of the family through celebration of Sunday! It is not enough today to be present at the Sunday liturgy. And if this liturgy is celebrated by a priest who is in unity with the apostate Vatican, it is a source of curse rather than blessing! It is necessary that Sunday should be the Day of Resurrection and the Day of the Holy Spirit when Christians devote time to family prayer and especially Christian men gather together and devote themselves to fellowship after the example of early Christians (Acts 2:42). Here men would find time for prayer and then they would learn how to perform the function of the head in the family, in the Church and in society. They would ask the Holy Spirit for true wisdom in protecting their family, bringing up children and struggling together for the preservation of moral values which are the greatest treasure for the nation. Without fellowship, without the apostles’ teaching – i.e. the Bible and orthodox Tradition, and without prayers of men who lift up holy hands to God (1Ti 2:8) the Church and the nation cannot be restored. Therefore, the Catholic Church in Hungary cannot be subject in false obedience to the spirit of apostasy which holds power in the present-day Vatican. It is not the Spirit of Christ but just an imitation, disguised with pious phrases, using psychological manipulation and abusing spiritual authority and obedience for self-destruction of the Church and nation.

The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate appeals to all Hungarian Catholics as well as all Christians in Hungary to join in perpetual prayer and to call on God day and night for spiritual resurrection of the Catholic Church in Hungary. 24 people fill 24 hours of the day and each of them keeps one-hour prayer guard for one week in a month. 4 groups, comprised of 24 members each, fill 4 weeks and the cycle repeats itself. Apart from that, let each participant pray the holy hour from 8 to 9 p.m. at home or in the place where they are.

The believers should alert the bishops and priests in writing or in person to the necessity of renouncing heresies as well as unity with the spirit of the present-day apostate Vatican.

You, Bishops of Hungary, have ideal conditions for making a heroic step and dissociating Yourselves from the heresies of the apostate Vatican. This will set a precedent for restoring the whole Catholic Church! Unless You make this step, You will be more responsible before the judgment seat of God than the bishops in the states where homosexuality was legalized. If You remain subject to the apostate Vatican in false obedience, You thus resist not only the law of God but also the state law of Hungary which rejects same-sex marriage!

This pastoral letter is a word of prophecy for all Hungary. God gives it to You for Your salvation! “Unless you repent, you will all perish!” (Lk 13:3).

Bestowing a blessing on all sincere Christians in the Hungarian nation,


+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate


Donetsk, 18 May 2015


+ Methodius OSBMr           +Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops


see vkpatriarhat.org.ua/en/?page_id=9564



P.S.: We would like to ask Hungarian Christians for a translation of the text from English or from the Czech original into Hungarian and sending it out by mail to their friends who have at heart salvation of their souls and restoration of their nation.



Copies to:

  • Prime Minister and Government of Hungary
  • Priests, religious and Catholic believers of Hungary
  • Presidents of EU Members States
  • Bishops of EU Member States
  • MEPs
  • President and Government of the Russian Federation
  • Presidents and Governments of Ukraine and Belarus
  • Bishops of the Orthodox Church in Europe
  • Vatican Secretariat of State
  • Mass media in the EU

2015.02.07. 17:49 Idézet

Hagyó József atya ma befejezte földi szolgálatát. Imádkozzunk érte!

2015.01.10. 18:05 Idézet

Nagyon jó az oldal sok síkert hozzá.

Máté Kriszti

2012.04.20. 13:41 Idézet

KEdves Tartósan beteg gyermeket nevelő szülők, pedagógusok, érdeklődők!

Annak idején, amikor kiderült a lányunkról, hogy tartós betegségben szenved Szerettem volna szakirodalmat olvasni a témában, minekután volt tapasztalatom abban, hogy pl. a házasságról, egészséges gyermek neveléséről szóló könyvek mennyire megkönnyíthetik egynéhány probléma megoldását. Ilyen könyvet nem találtam.

Most- 13 év után - pedagógusként, érintett szülőként, feleségként írtam egy könyvet "BEteg testben ép lélek" címmel.

A könyv nem betegségspecifikus, azaz megpróbálta megtalálni a legnagyobb közös osztóját a beteg gyermekeket nevelő családok problémáinak.

Részleteket olvashatók a www.beteggyermek.5mp.eu oldalon. HA megnyerte a tetszést (az eddigi olvasóktól nagyon jó kritikát kaptam), megrendelhető a www.beteggyermek.gmail.com email címre írva, vagy a honlapon található helyeken személyesen.

Jó egészséget kívánva, üdvözlettel: Molnárné László ANdrea

2011.10.23. 13:35 Idézet


2011.07.23. 12:57 Idézet


   Egy jó barátom szólt, hogy cégek keresnek megváltozott munkaképességű embereket, esetleg enyhe ért.fogyosokat dolgozni Budapesten (nem tudom, milyen munkák). A munkaközvetítő elérhetősége:

Magyar Katica, tel.: 20-347-3038

Köszöntök mindenkit: Pataki András (Szőlő)

2011.04.10. 17:52 Idézet

2011 tavaszi könyvheti újdonság az Alterra Könyvkiadótól:

Pilizota Szandra és Lengyel Róbert: A jaguáristen álmodik


„A jaguáristen álmodik című kalandregényben Marquee de Cassal kapitányasszony irányításával a Sirály nevű kalózhajó és legénységének történetéről olvashatunk. Igazi kalózhistória, elrejtett és megátkozott kincsek, testvérek közötti ellenségeskedés, a színfalak mögött húzódó összeesküvés." 


2009.09.22. 20:19 Idézet

Dicsértessék mindenkinek!

Egy csodálatos szentkép és papi ruhák látványára  szeretném felhivni figyelmeteket. A heves megyei MÁTRADERECSKÉN, a Kossuth ut 13. sz. alatti FALUHÁZBAN nyilt meg a PALÓC ÉLET ÉS SZENTKÉP KIÁLLITÁS.         Ez bemutatja az ősi palóc életet, a tisztaszobát, konyhát, kamrát, a kenderfeldolgozás minden kellékét, és a gazdasági udvar minden használatos, de elfeledett dolgait.

A 85 db szentkép együttes látványa, a papi miseruhák összhangja, vallási ihletet ad a teremben lévőnek.

Megtekinteni bejentkezés után. 06/36/476-325 polg. mest. hiv. számán

vagy a 06/20/5737-049 Kismagdi szervezőnél lehet.

Mindenkit szeretettel várunk.

2009.01.10. 19:44 Idézet

Boldog új évet!

Marketing| Link marketing

2008.09.22. 18:14 Idézet
Sajnálattal látom, hogy az utolsó bejegyzés 2007-ben történt... "Kegyelem és békesség nektek Atyánktól, az Istentől és Jézus Krisztustól, a mi Urunktól"!

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Könyves oldal - Ágica Könyvtára - ahol megnézheted milyen könyveim vannak, miket olvasok, mik a terveim...    *****    Megtörtént Bûnügyekkel foglalkozó oldal - magyar és külföldi esetek.    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    A boroszkányok gyorsan megtanulják... Minden mágia megköveteli a maga árát. De vajon mekkora lehet ez az ár? - FRPG    *****    Alkosd meg a saját karaktered, és irányítsd a sorsát! Vajon képes lenne túlélni egy ilyen titkokkal teli helyen? - FRPG    *****    Mindig tudnod kell, melyik kiköt&#245; felé tartasz. - ROSE HARBOR, a mi városunk - FRPG    *****    Akad mindannyijukban valami közös, valami ide vezette õket, a delaware-i aprócska kikötõvárosba... - FRPG    *****    boroszkány, vérfarkas, alakváltó, démon és angyal... szavak, amik mind jelentenek valamit - csatlakozz közénk - FRPG    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    why do all monsters come out at night - FRPG - Csatlakozz közénk! - Írj, és éld át a kalandokat!    *****    CRIMECASESNIGHT - Igazi Bûntényekkel foglalkozó oldal    *****    Figyelem, figyelem! A második vágányra karácsonyi mese érkezett! Mesés karácsonyt kíván mindenkinek: a Mesetáros    *****    10 éves a Haikyuu!! Ennek alkalmából részletes elemzést olvashatsz az anime elsõ évadáról az Anime Odyssey blogban!    *****    Ismerd meg az F-Zero sorozatot, a Nintendo legdinamikusabb versenyjáték-szériáját! Folyamatosan bõvülõ tartalom.    *****    Advent a Mesetárban! Téli és karácsonyi mesék és színezõk várnak! Nézzetek be hozzánk!    *****    Nagyon pontos és részletes születési horoszkóp, valamint 3 év ajándék elõrejelzés, diplomás asztrológustól. Kattints!!!!    *****    A horoszkóp a lélek tükre,egyszer mindenkinek érdemes belenézni.Keress meg és én segítek értelmezni a csillagok állását!    *****    HAMAROSAN ÚJRA ITT A KARÁCSONY! HA SZERETNÉL KARÁCSONYI HANGULATBA KEVEREDNI, AKKOR KATT IDE: KARACSONY.GPORTAL.HU    *****    Nyakunkon a Karácsony, ajándékozz születési horoszkópot barátaidnak, ismerõseidnek.Nagyon szép ajándék! Várlak, kattints    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, nyaralók és egyéb épületek homlokzati szigetelését! 0630/583-3168 Hívjon!